How OneMitzvah works
Do OneMitzvah.
It’s that simple. Anytime you feel an urge to do something positive, visit Doing a Mitzvah together with others has exponential benefits for the world, in addition to making it easy, motivating and supportive.
Start a OneMitzvah campaign.
For a personal celebration or a global crisis, causing others to do an intentional Mitzvah makes an incredible impact on the cosmos. See What’s a Mitzvah and Why Just One for more.
Is OneMitzvah just for Jewish people?
Yes and no. We encourage everyone to improve the world with a good deed that benefits another person. However, only a Jewish person who is commanded to perform 613 specific Mitzvahs can achieve the added potency simply of fulfilling G-d’s command.
Why just one?
The impact is immediate.
Like a rope of a thousand strands, every single Mitzvah makes a direct connection between the Creator and His universe. Of course, more strands make a stronger rope. Doing Mitzvos together as a team as well as adding in your Mitzvos is exponentially more powerful.
Everyone can do ONE.
It is only human to feel hesitant, self-conscious or even hypocritical to become a “superdoer” without the knowledge or belief in a Mitzvah’s power. Do one. See if you feel what you may not yet know.
It could be the last straw.
Maimonides, the famous 12th century sage, teaches us to imagine the world as hanging in the balance between good and evil. One action—YOUR one action—may be all that’s needed to tip the scales towards the good and bring salvation to the entire world.
What’s a Mitzvah?
Literally, a commandment.
The simple meaning of the word mitzvah is command. It appears in various forms with that meaning about 300 times in the Five Books of Moses. It generally refers to the Divine commandments to the Jewish people, things He wants us to do or not do.
The Talmud notes that the Jewish People were given 613 mitzvot at Sinai. Numerous codes, most notably, Maimonides’ Sefer Hamitzvot, provide detailed listings of them.
Colloquially, a kind deed.
In common usage, a mitzvah is often used to mean “a good deed”—as in “Do a mitzvah and help Mrs. Goldstein with her packages.” The Jerusalem Talmud commonly refers to any charitable act as “the mitzvah.”
Ultimately, a connection.
The word mitzvah is also related to the Aramaic word tzavta, meaning to attach or join. Tzavta can mean companionship or personal attachment. In this sense, a mitzvah bundles up the person who is commanded and the Commander, creating a relationship and essential bond.
The three meanings can themselves be bundled together. “Good” is defined as that which the Creator of the Universe wants done with His universe, and by